Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, "When did we give you something to eat or drink? When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear or visit you while you were sick or in jail?"
The King will answer, "Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me." .......Matthew 25

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Floating school@Boeung Rial - design sketch#2

Any contributions to the school building fund would be very much appreciated.

Any cheques should be made out to :

"Mt Carmel BP Church Ltd" and tagged on back to "Cambodia School Building Fund"

The cheques can be mailed directly to :

Mount Carmel BP Church
Clementi Bible Centre
152 West Coast Road

Monday, February 1, 2010

Floating school@Boeung Rial - design sketch

This is my sketch of the design for the floating classroom. The classroom dimensions are 7m x 10m. I have added a skirting of about 1-1.5m along the front 3 sides of the classroom, plus a small toilet round the back.

The bundles of bamboos upon which the classroom floats are about 1m x 0.6m with a length of about 3-4m. I am not sure how many bamboo bundles are needed and have represented these as about 5 longitudinal bundles x 3 lengths to extend the full 11-12m of the platform.

The estimated cost was about US$13000
, but I expect with the added skirting it might be closer to US$15000.